Rick Rodriguez
Coaching Team
Rick Rodriguez has been part of the Nutrishop family for 15 years. He joined the Nutrishop team in 2004 opening one of the first Nutrishop stores in Corona, CA. He has since sold that location but is owner and operator of two other Southern California locations; Glendora and West Covina. Even after 15 years in the business, Rick’s energy and passion for helping others is contagious. He excels at building relationships at corporate wellness events and community networking. Rick spent 12 years in law enforcement working in the drug and gang unit and part of the SWAT training team. He transitioned his passion for helping others using the channels of his Nutrishop stores and through Nutrishop Inc. assisting other store owners. Rick has been married for more than 25 years and has two adult children. When not helping customers and owners, he loves watching his daughter play competitive basketball with her high school team. Rick would like to be buried in his Nutrishop polo.
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